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As part of Provell Pharmaceutical's work to support the secure storage and disposal of unwanted medicines from households, we are proud to announce our participation in, the nation's most comprehensive website for patients to identify convenient locations for proper disposal of unwanted, unused, or expired medicines from households.
Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) initiatives have been expanding broadly, with several focused on the pharmaceutical manufacturing industry. In several states and local jurisdictions, laws have been passed that mandate that pharmaceutical manufacturing companies establish take-back programs for the collection and disposal of unwanted medicines and sharps from households. Provell Pharmaceuticals participates with PPSWG and its designated stewardship organization, MED-Project, to meet these obligations. PPSWG’s mission is to provide infrastructure, guidance, and subject matter expertise to support member compliance and improve awareness of other existing pharmaceutical and sharps disposal options, which are extensive. The MyOldMeds website is provided by PPSWG as an easy way for patients to find a kiosk location near them to dispose of unwanted, unused, or expired medicines from households. As a member of PPSWG, we are proud to assist in the funding of this valuable service to our customers.
Visit the site to learn more by clicking the logo above or to find a kiosk near you.
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